Monday, January 14, 2013

Sacrifice and its analogy

And it's no sacrifice
Just a simple word
It's 2 hearts living
In 2 separate worlds
But its no sacrifice
No sacrifice
Its no sacrifice at all...

Sacrifice...that word alone can have different meaning to different people. Most of the time sacrifice is meant for good and positive things..
Same goes with my life..i'm in the process / journey to find the true meaning of sacrifice for my husband's sake.This journey is to get his keredhaan, apart from the first one which is keredhaan from Allah swt..

Sacrifice is a struggle.
I have come to 36 years of living in this world..there are some things i see everyday for the past 36 years as normal and it becomes a habit in my life..families find it normal, close friends find it normal...but when you get married, 2 hearts become 1 and all the normality that u had for the past years is now becoming odd to others especially your other half.
The oddness become so apparent each day that u r forced by your other half to change...yes, to change...
Take a look at it, on a positive side, the change is for his sake..not for anyone else, but for him alone..


You have eaten your rice for the past 36 years with 'kicap' in day out you always had your lunch, dinner etc with kicap. near/far, down/low u must have your kicap without fail. Suddenly when u r married, your spouse find it unacceptable to see u having your meal with kicap anymore. Your spouse find it annoying , odd and suddenly blurt it out.... the spouse want u to change this habit, the habit that u thought ist okay and harmless for all your life but now it's not anymore...
OK u thought...for my spouse sake, I will change.. suddenly yr meal is not as tempting and delicious as before..
yr spouse saw u r not satisfied with yr meal and offered an alternative..tomato sauce+chilli sauce + black colourings+ water that u mix together and be the substitute of that kicap... he said it's good , try it lah..change your habit , change to this liquid in your meal!!! this is normal in our culture and religion to eat this liquid substitute..

Your spouse also claims it's good for your health, no preservatives (just analogy here) what not..well, u take it and swallow it with a smile on your face, gobble down your meal without munching as long as he's happy...

since he brought up the subject of eating healthy, u take one step further up..u choose to change your lifestyle to suit a healthy lifestyle..u dun eat meat, chicken, fish, seafood u become's difficult u admit it, but u r all out to change everything to make him happy, be acceptable to him...

your spouse find it hard to accept when u have changed totally...not being the old you, who r happy-go-lucky and free to choose your meal , now u r becoming food freak and be very very particular in your food intake...calories here,cholesterol there  etc...

he's not happy again because he has lost the old ,vibrant , chirpy and happy mealtime mate...u r now becoming more cautious on every single thing that pops into your mouth when u r around him..u have become too careful , too paranoid on your food intake that people around u especially your spouse notice..

he confront u and said he doesn't want u to change up to this level...he wants u to change not too much and he wants u to be your oldself again..

Close analogy....

well, in life u can't have everything..give n take here n there...u asked me to change, i cahnge ...but for that change to be efficient and changing a lifetime habit in one single night is fasten the proccess, i have to change for the betterment and it might effect the other habit that u find it attractive last time when we're courting...

sorry if u found me less vibrant, becomes quiet nowadays, less talking,keep opinions to myself & even biting my lips to surpress anger @opinions, less n less dependent on u ..i'm afraid if i don't take these steps i might not be able to change the level that u want me to be ...i'm afraid that i might add more sins if i dont do it..

back to the word sacrifice ...these are the sacrifices that i need to adapt and practice to be as u want me to be...

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