Thursday, August 09, 2007

Syukur - Grateful

Dear diary,
There are a few things in life that we take for granted.
Somehow , i think i've to come to mature age (or at least i think i am) that i start to appreciate all the things around me.
Here is the list of things that I would say "Alhamdulillah" or Thank You, Allah everyday :
  • Good and soleh husband
  • Healthy and cute baby
  • Good job and enough salary
  • Family that is always behind me in good or bad time
  • Good home to stay with a nice neighbourhood
  • Reliable cars that can bring our family everywhere together
  • Just enough money to cover our small family's expenses
  • Sufficient supply of rice and plenty of other food on table everyday

So, it's true that when people say "Life is like an ice-cream, enjoy it before it melts" and I'm enjoying every minutes of it..


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