Sunday, July 08, 2007


Dear diary,
Wikipedia defined regret as an intelligent or emotional dislike for personal past acts and behaviours.
Regret can be in many forms..big or effects our life, our heart, our way of thinking...
regret is the word that often associated with 'what if' happens when we start to wonder the other alternative if we were to chose the other way that won't bring us to this regret.
It made us wonder if there is a better way to handle this feeling that we face.
'What if I do it this way last time...'
'What if I didn't chose this course...'
'What if I accepted the other job offer..'
'What if I chose my ex-boyfreind instead of my parent's choice...'
The list continue on and on..
One way or the other , we can't deny this feeling. We can't ignore it or wish it didn't come.
It will come uninvited and unplanned depends on circumstances.
But the most important thing is how we handle our own feeling and how we react. We may succumbed to the regret but somehow, most of the time, it won't change the present situation.
Feeling 'what if..' doesn't change the current situation instead it will refrain us from stepping forward to a better way ahead that we haven't explore yet.
Accepting the fact that REGRET can be meant for us as fate may be difficult to agree to in the first place, but eventually it will seeped in to our heart and accept it as it is.
Formulate a new idea to pull ourself from the regret and snowball the thinking to boost our confidence that this stage will not be forever and we will see light at the end of the tunnel.

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